Activities 01
AstarPenguins hope that there will be no littering of garbage that causes marine debris.
At the beginning, AstarPenguins are working to eliminate littering of garbage.
Let’s improve the world little by little from what we can do.

Activities 02
Material production produces a large amount of carbon dioxide.
3R can save resources and reduce material production.
Oxygen dioxide emissions can be reduced.
AstarPenguins promote 3R.

Activities 03
Electricity makes up the majority of a home’s carbon footprint.
Electricity emits CO2 during the power generation process, and the large amount of electricity it consumes puts a heavy burden on the environment.
Let’s try to reduce unnecessary electricity consumption and work together to reduce CO2 emissions.

Activities 04
“Carbon neutral” means balancing greenhouse gas emissions and absorption.
In order to achieve carbon neutrality, AstarPenguins will promote the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and the preservation and strengthening of carbon dioxide absorption.